Monday 18 July 2011

Photo a Week

I've missed a couple of the deadlines for the Photo a Week that Karen sets (see the Me, My Camera and Eye blog on my blog list), so I managed to take a 20 minute lunch break last week and take a Self Portrait and photo's from a different perspective.  I will post a different perspective over a few posts, as I took a few!!

I found it quite difficult taking a self portrait, as I took pictures of just my mouth or with the top of my head chopped off.  I did get some strange looks from people walking past work!  I bet they wondered why I was taking photo's of myself!

A gust of wind blew just as I was taking his photo, which sweeped my hair off my face.  Good timing from Mother Nature.

1 comment:

  1. Well done you - hoping to take mine today - it is a bigger challenge than I originally thought.
