Monday 2 August 2010

My new Craft Cupboard!!

I've finally got a new Craft Cupboard, well very nearly!!  Craig, the sweetie, has spent all of last week and this weekend making a cupboard under the stairs in my living room which is for the sole purpose of storing all of my craft stash!!!  He even spent all of last night looking online for the best way for me to sort and store all of my items!  I can't use it quite yet, as there is still some sanding to do on the outside, then we're going to paint the living room, but I'm going to sort my craft stash out now in readiness!!

The cupboard and the room needs to be ready for this coming weekend, as we have some friends coming over on Sunday for dinner and some Russian Scouts coming over on Monday evening for dinner!!!


  1. oooh super storage solution there sam! and i love your new home gift too :0)

  2. oohh Sam, looking foward to having a peek in your cupboard, i just know it'll be super organised....lucky you!! xx

  3. Oh fab, do show us when it's all done :)
