Thursday 5 April 2018

Such a Cutie Layout

Hey there, good to see you again!  Emily has a hamster called Snowflake (we call him Snowy), and he is cute.  I was left to baby sit him one night while Emily cleaned his cage.  He scrapped around for a little while, then settled down to have a sleep.  He looked so cute that I snapped a quick picture

I've used Paige Evans Pick me Up collection to make the layout colourful as Snowy is white, and it also adds focus to the photo.

Curled up in a little ball, he was small enough that I could put a frame around him, again to draw the readers eye to the photo's subject.

Products used:
Pink Paislee Paige Evans Pick me Up Paper Pack
Pink Paislee Paige Evans Pick me Up Ephemera
American Crafts Pick me Up Chipboard Stickers
Gold Rhinestones
We R Memory Keepers Tag Punch Board
American Crafts Thicker Happy Life Alphas

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