Tuesday 31 May 2011

Making my own embellishments...

Yup, I made my own embellishments, shock horror!!  I never, and I mean never make my own embellishments.  My friend Louise, who runs the Scrapbook-Me Crops that I attend always makes lovely embellishments (click on her name and check out her blog) and has had the odd moan about me not making my own embellishments!

I bought Sir Tim's tissue tape at Ally Pally in April and I didn't really know what to do with it.  I looked at Sir Tim's website and saw lovely flowers made with tissue tape, and the June edition of Craft Stamper also has a whole article about tissue tape, so Saturday saw me in front of the TV (watching Pirates of the Caribbean) having a go with my tape and here's the results...

First cut a circle of card, I used my 1" circle punch, but that was slightly too small, and then attach one end of your tape and basically keep folding it like fan.  Go around twice, then cut the tape off and attach a button or a brad.  Before you make the flowers, you can colour the tape either with distress inks or with alcohol inks, which I'm going to try next time.  Tissue Tape is only slightly tacky, so don't worry if you don't use them straight away!

Once you've completed your flower, you can then "fluff" them up to add some dimension.

While I was on a roll, I also used my new hot glue gun to make these embellishments (two lots in one night!!).

I saw these on the website of a well know national craft store, however, they had been made into brooches.  I'm not sure I'd wear them as brooches, but I thought they would look good on a layout.

Cut out a circle of card, again I used my 1" punch, but this was a tad too small.  Decide what buttons you are using, 5 small or medium buttons to make the petals and then a large button to go on the top!  Simple...... but fragile!!  I dropped one of mine and this happened..

However, it was easily repairable, and this is what it should have looked like!!


  1. ...and very nice they are too Sam! Me moan...never lol!! Off now to see what you used them on xx

  2. These are very cute, I love the tissue tape ones, and I have a brooch made out of buttons like your last pic!

    I love making my own embellies, and I have a giveaway going on at the moment for a set of them if you'd like to check it out: http://bit.ly/j3YSwi
