Monday 24 January 2011

Scrapagogo have done it again......

I know, I know, I said that I was going to blog more this year and I intend to keep my promise, but couple Craig being away working this weekend just gone and Emily being quite poorly with a coldy flu thing the week before and you end up with a person who hasn't had time to blog or scrap!!!  However, I did amend that Saturday night and Sunday!

Scrapagogo kits are always lovely, but January's Elementary my dear..... has really grabbed my attention and got me scrapping in not my usual style.  I've used a few patterned papers on one layout (Louise, I know, sit down hon in shock) and I've put my embellishments on differently.  Somehow it's me, but not me!!

This is my January Details Delivered Layout for Scrapagogo!  If you've not been on their club forum, the ladies have set up some great challenges!  This month we've had to think about the lessons we've learned.  This was perfect as I had a picture of James on his first day at Secondary School and I realised that I'd had to change the way I treat him, as he's turned from a boy into a young man (a grungy, grunting teenager, but changed nevertheless!).  I've also journalled that I love him just the way he is and for who he is, as I don't think he believes me at the moment!

I loved the chipboard frames, which I covered with the red dotty paper, and then I used the Maya Road Bingo Tokens to put the date on the layout.  The banner is a Scrapagogo hybrid and I've used the jute out of my kit to make the banner "hang"

I also loved this photo of Emily  in her Pre-School Uniform and being in a reflective mood after completing James's layout, I realised that this was the start of her journey at school, as she starts Primary School in September.  I wanted to document the start of her journey, and I love the results.

I loved Sam Ball's "When I grow up" card that she designs for Scrapagogo Kits and thought it was very appropriate for Emily, as she's always saying "when I grow up....".  The stars on the layout are real wood veneer, very easy to work with as they are self adhesive and come from Calico Studio.  If you have Glitterz Paint, these go on the wood veneer very well.  I used the Glitterz Paint on Wood Veneer in Helen Mile's class at the Scrapagogo Retreat in October, with fabulous results!!  I think they'll come out again when I use more of these wood veneer stars!!

1 comment:

  1. Luckily i was sitting down Sam lol!! Great layouts of James and Emily xx
